A New Chapter in Paranormal Investigation Software
By Anthony F. Sanchez, Author & Researcher
For Ghost Hunter Apps
Back at the end of 2023, I faced a tough decision to take down the Ghost Hunter Apps website. This decision was driven by my desire to retire over twenty old apps, some of which dated back to 2014. Consequently, in December 2023, the GHA website was put on hiatus as I privately began work on all-new, highly improved paranormal ITC apps for 2024 and beyond.
It took months to complete, as the development had started in mid-2023 and extended until their release on July 3rd, 2024.
With the assistance of Beta Test Lab Manager Martin Faester from Denmark, numerous volunteers also stepped up to test, evaluate, and provide invaluable feedback on everything regarding the two new apps, the Vocibus Mk2 and the SCD Archon. Going to extreme lengths to avoid all the hiccups of past apps, these two represent the pinnacle of technological achievement in paranormal software.
I was advised that the apps could easily sell for $49.99, just like the original Huff Paranormal SCD1 upon its release. I considered the input but decided to slash that price in half. So, I released the apps at just $24.99, and guess what? They sold at that price. People from around the globe eagerly embraced the two new apps, significantly growing our user base.
But a year has since passed, and as we head into 2025, I want to do something more.
Thus, I am returning to the legacy pricing of my Windows apps to just $19.99, and they are going to remain at that super low price. Because when you speak, I listen.
And what better way to thank you than by offering the fair price that you desire for my apps. So, let’s do this together. I truly want to express my appreciation to all of you who have contacted me.
Thank you,
—Anthony & the GHA team across the globe
GHOST HUNTER APPS – https://ghosthunterapps.com/
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Join the Community
Follow our journey and witness these ethereal communications firsthand through our new series of TikTok videos (https://www.tiktok.com/@ghosthunterapps). Each clip is a snippet into the mysterious, often providing viewers a front-row seat to the paranormal activities captured via the new GHA software.
For a deeper look into the capabilities of the new GHA Apps, visit our detailed page at Ghost Hunter Apps, https://ghosthunterapps.com/Software.aspx.
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