
A New Era for Ghost Hunter Apps: Why We’re Moving Forward

By Anthony F. Sanchez, Author & Researcher For Ghost Hunter Apps So, um… where the heck are all the old paranormal apps? And just what is going on? For those who have followed my work for years, you might be wondering why I decided to phase out some of my original apps from a decade ago . Yes, it's true—many of those apps were released back when Windows 7 was the standard, and I know, for some, that seems like a lifetime ago. But here's the thin g: Microsoft has since released numerous versions of Windows, each packed with its own slew of updates, improvements, and security measures. For developers like myself, that means continuous adaptation and, sometimes, saying goodbye to older software that simply can’t keep pace with today’s technology. When I first began considering a revival of those beloved early apps —SCD1, SCD2, GB1, GB2, Minibox, and others—I ultimately decided it wasn’t the right move. My focus has shifted toward modern, cutting-edge software that’s fully

The EMI Ghost Box

  By Anthony F. Sanchez, Author & Researcher For Ghost Hunter Apps What compelled me to create the EMI Ghost Box, a tool that not only challenged the norms but also augmented our way to perform spirit communication? Let me take you back. For years, I had been fascinated by the invisible forces that govern our world—forces that are just as elusive as they are powerful. Among them, Electromagnetic Interference ( EMI ) stood out as a phenomenon that, while often seen as a mere nuisance in electronics, held a deeper potential for those of us in the paranormal field. Not just me, but so many practicing paranormal engineers realized that EMI, often the culprit behind circuitry disruptions, could be harnessed, analyzed, and transformed into a gateway for communication with spirits. In the early days of my research for GHA, I was experimenting with various electronic setups, exploring how these disruptions in the electromagnetic spectrum could be interpreted. The breakthrough for EMI came

A Bluetooth Ghost Box?

  By Anthony F. Sanchez, Author & Researcher For Ghost Hunter Apps Why did I do this? Why did I create a tool that transcended its original purpose? Yes, this is legit. In 2011, I traveled to Area 51 with Ric Prestel and a group of friends from MUFON to look for UFOs , enjoy patty melts with Grey Aliens at the Little A'Le'Inn , and perhaps have a few beers. Before that trip, I had been experimenting with Software Defined Radio technology—scanning HAM radio using Windows software written in C#. I have to say, that stuff was HECKA COOL! And it also sounded weird at times. But for the Area 51 trip, that wasn’t what I wanted to experiment with. I had already used a Uniden handheld BC95XLT frequency scanner —the one with the NASCAR logo on it. Yes, it works—even to this day! But for that 2011 trip, I had written a C# .NET program that allowed me to use my Bluetooth dongle ( yup, this was way back in the old days ), and surprisingly, I could scan the ISM frequencies! That’s t

The Reality of Ghosts and the Spirit World: Are Demons, Angels & Ghosts Real?

By Anthony F. Sanchez, Author & Researcher For Ghost Hunter Apps Many people find it difficult to accept the reality of ghosts and the existence of spirits that communicate with us. Skeptics argue that it’s merely imagination or fabrication. However, those of us who work in the paranormal field understand that what we see, hear, and feel originates from sources misunderstood by those who oppose or doubt the work of Instrumental Trans-Communication (ITC) and paranormal research. As a developer of software for the paranormal, my journey began by observing the works of pioneers like Frank Sumption , Joe Cippi , and even Nikola Tesla and Thomas Edison . However, my work goes much deeper. I delve into the minds of early trailblazers such as Harry Price , a parapsychologist renowned for his early 20th-century work, and Ed and Lorraine Warren , known for their involvement in high-profile cases of paranormal activity. John Zaffis , related to the Warrens, is also a respected and influen

A Journey Through ITC and the Afterlife Debate

By Anthony F. Sanchez, Author & Researcher For Ghost Hunter Apps "A Journey Through ITC and the Afterlife Debate" explores the enduring human fascination with the afterlife, highlighting diverse beliefs ranging from the Catholic Church's view on communion with God post-death to skeptics and atheists who deny any form of existence beyond physical death. The article delves into Instrumental Trans Communication (ITC) as a method for some to explore and communicate with a spiritual plane, offering a counterpoint to the skepticism surrounding afterlife concepts. It discusses how advancements in ITC technology, pioneered by figures like Frank Sumption and Friedrich Jürgensen, have opened new avenues for understanding and interacting with the spiritual realm. The author shares their personal engagement in developing tools like the SCD3 for spirit communication, emphasizing ITC's role in broadening discussions on existence, morality, and the essence of humanity. The piece

It wasn’t a little girl: The events of Echo Lake

By Anthony F. Sanchez, Author & Researcher For Ghost Hunter Apps During a camping trip at Echo Lake, a group of ten, including a narrator, their husband, and his family, alongside another group of six adults, experience a peaceful evening under the stars. This tranquility is shattered by a child's desperate cries for help, a puzzling sound given the absence of any children among the campers. Together, they investigate and encounter a towering, slender, and unnaturally white figure in a nearby field, which retreats into the forest as they approach. Despite their efforts, the source of the cries remains elusive, haunting the campers through the night with its mysterious pleas. The next morning leaves them with unanswered questions and a deep-seated unease, marking their stay at Echo Lake with a haunting memory of an encounter that blurred the lines between the natural and the supernatural, challenging their understanding of reality. Under the starlit sky of the Southwest, nestled

Whispers and Shadows: A Haunted Beginning

By Anthony F. Sanchez, Author & Researcher For Ghost Hunter Apps Shortly after their wedding, a young couple moves into a budget-friendly basement apartment, only to discover it's haunted by a malevolent poltergeist. The entity makes its presence known through physical assaults, unexplained phenomena, and a chilling command to leave. Heeding the ghost's demand, the couple quickly moves out, leaving behind the haunted apartment. The building is later demolished following the owner's death, leaving the plot empty and a lasting reminder of their eerie encounter with the supernatural. Fresh out of college and wrapped in the glow of newlywed life, my wife and I found ourselves navigating the harsh reality of adulting, which led us straight to the door of a basement apartment. It wasn't much, but it was what we could afford. Little did we know, the price tag came with a hidden cost: a resident poltergeist that seemed determined to claim the space for itself. From the get-